Customer Segmentation for Growth-Stage Product Companies

We Help You Find the Best Customers for Your Product

Then We Create Systems to Find More of Them

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Product/Market Fit Noise

You Found Product/Market Fit.
Now Comes the Noise.

Messy Backlog

You have a disparate group of customers asking for different functionalities

Unpredictable Customers

The new users and customers don't look like your best customers

Mixed Signals

Your data, the customer feedback, and your sales team all sing different tunes

It's Hard to Scale When
Your Product is All Things to All People

Broad and Un-Targeted Messaging
Accelerate a Startup

To Truly Accelerate, You Need to Be Clear On...

How We Help Unlock Growth:

Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) Definition

We help companies accelerate by honing in on the winning segments in their customer bases:

  • ➊   We sort your customer database
  • ➋   We recruit and interview up to 40 current or past customers
  • ➌   We weigh and discuss (with you and your team) the tradeoffs of different ICP segmentation strategies
  • ❹   We offer guidance throughout the realignment

You get:

  • A rich and detailed ideal customer profile (ICP) for your business (including your next best opportunities)
  • Lead qualification models and growth strategies to land more ideal customers
  • 3 months of guidance to implement the changes
Ideal Customer Profile Definition

What Founders Say About Us

Frequently Asked Questions


Yes! I do all of our projects directly with the founders and their teams (you won't get a surprise junior employee).

Sliced's services are rapid applications of the methodology in the book Find Your Market. The methodology builds on The Lean B2B Methodology, which has helped thousands of startups and scale-ups find or tighten their product/market fits.

We understand that the greatest enemy for founders is time (time spent = runway burnt). To help define your ICP, we require only a minimal amount of time—roughly 16 hours over the course of five weeks. When it comes to market exploration, it will vary customer to customer.

Our sessions run better with smaller groups. Whoever knows your product and customers best should be present. If this is just the founder, great! If it’s the founder plus the marketing, sales, or product leaders, that works too.

All our engagements start with a kickoff call. You can start thinking about how you wish to segment your market. What types of customers would be great to get more of? Try to understand their worldview and day-to-day work.

In this case, we invite you to start with our books.

Sliced's services are intended for companies post product/market fit that have at least 30 customers and generate a minimum of $250k in annual sales.

Pricing Plans

Our Pricing

Market Targeting Audit


one-time payment
Market Audit

You want feedback on your product's positioning.

We evaluate your market targeting and positioning.


  • ➊   Analyze your target, positioning, and competitive fit in the market
  • ➋   Diagnose the key problems and highlight opportunities
  • ➌   Recommend refinements and suggest customer acquisition strategies to test

You'll get:

  • A report paired with a personalized 15-minute video breaking down our findings and recommendations
  • A 1-hour coaching call to discuss the findings and recommendations
  • 7-day turnaround

ICP Research & Definition


one-time payment
Ideal Customer Profile Definition

You found Product/Market fit. Now is time to accelerate.

We help you hone in on the winning segments.


  • ➊   Sort through your customer database
  • ➋   Recruit and interview up to 40 current or past customers
  • ➌   Discuss and weigh the tradeoffs of different ICP segmentation strategies
  • ❹   Guide and assist you through the realignment

You'll get:

  • A detailed ideal customer profile (including rich personas for your product's next best opportunities)
  • Lead qualification models and prioritized strategies to land and attract more ideal customers
  • 3 months of guidance to help test and refine the alignment to your ICP
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The Choice is Yours. The Alternatives Are...

More Debates

You can spend weeks (months?) arguing and discussing who your best customers should be.

More Iterations

You can try to iterate your way to faster growth.

More Training

You can hire (and train) an expert to figure it out. Or you can work with an external consultant.

These are all likely to work. But if you want to go fast...

Schedule a Free Strategy Session

We’ll tell you if your market (or targeting) is slowing your growth.